Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Worm Hunt

"Live from the BBQ!"

Summer Graf Artist


Dante’s Sports Report

This summer at the Elpuente Taylor Wythe Leadership center we played lots of different sports. We played soccer, la crosse, basket ball, foot ball, wiffle ball, volley ball and kick ball.

Out of all of the sports that I did this summer, I mostly liked to play basket ball, foot ball and wiffle ball. The sport that I didn’t really like was la crosse because it was a hard game. All I have to work on is catching and picking up the ball in la crosse. I really liked sports at program this summer.

"Hot Time Summer In The City!

Leadership/Activism Group

This Summer's Leadership/Activism group was designed to teach our young people that 
it is possible to make positive change by showing them ways that they can be 
active leaders in their community.

They were given steps necessary to plan for and make the positive change 
needed to benefit them selves, their family, community and the world. 

Visual Club

In visual club we learn about health, pollution, and nutrition. We also made posters and other art projects on different topics such as saving the earth and smoking.

We conducted our own research on effects of smoking and used this as inspiration for the designs for posters to post around the center.

Krump Club

What is Krump? Krump is an exaggerated dance style which we use to express ourselves. In Krump you can express yourself personally or create a character and tell a story through your dance. 

We learned that there are four elements to the dance: arm swings, chest pops, jabs and stomps and we use these elements to do combos. 

Krump is movement that comes from your soul and it's about having fun and letting it all out. Krump is a dance that gives you freedom with your body. Did you know Krump actually uses all your muscles in the body?  
In Krump we also do battles and solo’s it is a fun way to let out aggression and keeps you away from all the bad stuff around you like drugs, it also is a stress relieving and creative dance.

Nutrition Club

In the nutrition club we cook all sorts of snack’s that are healthy for the body like smoothies, guacamole, vegetables and much more. 
The nutrition club is just a fun way to learn how to cook.
: )

Leadership Center Summer Club Selection